Monday, November 16, 2009

Coalition for Citizens Rights- NEXT MEETING Nov. 19

Our next meeting will be Thursday, Nov.19, at Carol's Cornerstone Cafe (201 N. Main Street, Greenfield). The meeting will start at 7:00 pm, but feel free to show up at 6:00 for great food and conversation.

Topics will include the redistricting proposal for County Council districts, and an update on new officers!

All are welcome, so feel free to join us and find out more about the CCR and our goals. We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Update on Redistricting Committee

Unfortunately, the committee formed to explore the redistricting idea decided in a 3-2 vote to table the idea until after the 2010 census. As expected, the three representatives from the west side were against redistricting, and the two reps from the east side supported the idea.

This recommendation will be presented to the Commissioners on Monday, Nov. 9th. Chances are, they'll go with the flow and not support redistricting at this time.

If and when this topic comes up again, we need to have a stronger show of support, or else the east side of the county will continue to be an after thought.